Walk With Me

Experiencing life...wide open

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Location: Plano, Texas, United States

Friday, September 29, 2006

how was your week?

mine was...interesting. for those of you who are outlaws, much like me, and hold a North Carolina liscense, here's a bit of news I never knew.

thursday morning, ryan and I took a trip to the dmv to get our liscence's updated and register our cars. everything started off great. we didn't have to wait in a huge line, the staff was incredibly nice...I should have picked up on these signs and realized my day would not end well.

ten minutes after signing in I am called up to the counter and begin the process of getting my liscense. luckily I didn't have to take the written test...I'm not the best test-taker...only the eye check. after waiting for the approval that I'm not a felon and don't have any unpaid tickets I'm called back to the counter. and this is where it all slides down, down, down.

I am told there will be no georgia liscense for me due to a restriction from north carolina. hmmm? this is quite odd. those who know me are well aware of my anal-retentive bill paying ways and know that I would never not paying anything. so, I get the number and call the ncdmv (all the while the woman is still being nice and allowing me to cut back in line rather than wait all over again...yet another of those things that should have smacked me in the face and said: stop! go home now, while you still have your dignity!!!) after waiting through the endless push 1 for english and 3 for this and 8 for blah blah blah, I get a live person.

ok, are you ready for it?

my liscense is suspended.

woosh! the floor falls out from beneath me and I think I am going to die of embarrassment. me???!!! suspended liscense??? since the beginning of september????????!!!!!!! wow, a gift from God that I wasn't pulled over in the past month, I would have been arrested!

now, I'm sure some of you think it's because I didn't pay something or go to court, but nope. that's not why. it's because, ok, sarah, annie, booth and kaylene...this is where you may begin laughing: on the way to commissioning I got a little heavy in the foot around anderson south carolina and was pulled over. I was clocked at 84. big deal. I've done worse.

apparently north carolina didn't agree. anything above 80 automatically suspends a north carolina liscense. nice of them to tell me. so I am stranded until the middle of october. it's a blessing I can walk to work.

but, how am I going to get to CWJ next weekend?

...to be continued.

growing through His love...

Thursday, September 14, 2006

have you...

...missed someone so much all you think about is calling and talking to them?

...picked up the phone to call but it had been so long and there was so much to tell you didn't know where to start so you felt like there wasn't anything to say?

...felt as though you had left behind someone who is so important, so prominant in your life, in the pursuit of something you needed and wondered if you could have done it different?

...thought things were all falling into place and started feeling comfortable only to have the floor collapse beneath you?

...ever been so unhappy that by the time things are getting better, you have forgotten what happy feels like?

...loved someone so much your heart hurts when you think about being separated from them?

...wanted everyone to let go of their hurt and pain and embrace each other with a fresh beginning?

i have

growing through His love...

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

a day late for a day to remember

Monday, September 11, 2006

oh yeah

no name is now sammy

Sunday, September 10, 2006

method to my madness

ok. I didn't have much time to explain the kittens, things have been so busy since I got to Atlanta. I'm still trying to settle in to this new apartment, it was harder than I thought going from the townhouse to a one bedroom apartment. I am lucky because it's a decent size one bedroom, just not as much storage as I once had. I finally got a paycheck...woohoo!!! Despite the pay-cut it was about the same amount I had been pulling from the Army...we'll see how that goes once I have insurance next month. Either way things are going well.

Now, for the kittens...

My manager's husband called her on Tuesday afternoon (he works at a Post apartment complex) and told her one of the residents had called to tell him there were five kittens on his balcony and he didn't know what to do with them. She was telling me about it and I thought...hey! my sister would love to have another cat running around, how about I get one! So I told Robin (my manager) to go ahead and tell her husband I'd take one off his hands. Well, at this point he had already called one of their friends who is in the animal trapping business to come and take them to a good shelter. So I called the guy and we arranged for him to come by Wednesday morning. I called Steph and told her about the cats and she got all excited but her man told her: no more cats!!! So here I was, expecting to have a kitten dropped off the next day and no where for it to go. I talked with Robin and she was like, you should get two of them so they have someone to play with. They are much happier when they have a companion. I kept saying no and Ryan and I agreed only one, but then Richard (the friend) brought them by.

Well, you saw the pictures, you can imagine how it went. I was sitting at my desk and he basically plopped all five of them in my lap. They were crawling around and meowing and being so cute, I picked one and then fell in love with another and ended up with two. I still had hope Steph could convince Tony to add to their family, but had resigned myself to the fact that I was now the owner of not one, but two cats.

So I'm running all over getting cat litter and kitten food when Steph calls and says Tony has agreed to one more cat. Oh no!!! I didn't want to split them up and when I asked if two was much of a difference she laughed in my face (well, ear I guess) and said one was more than enough. Well, I'm feeling like a big jerk because here it is that I got the cat in the first place to give to her for her birthday but I get two instead and don't want to split them up, so I called Richard in the hopes that he would still have one and he did! He came by later in the afternoon on Wednesday and let me pick another one and here I am...three cats and Ryan begging for a puppy...we'll see.

growing through His love...

Thursday, September 07, 2006

welcome to the family

please say hello to



and...well, we haven't decided on a name for her, guess that's why she looks so pissed

what can i say, i'm a sucker for an animal in distress. i'm also miserable, can't wait for the insurance to kick in next month so i can begin getting allergy shots!!! never thought i was a cat person...guess i'm a kitten person. either way i will be getting a puppy!!!

growing through His love...

Friday, September 01, 2006
