Walk With Me

Experiencing life...wide open

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Location: Plano, Texas, United States

Thursday, July 02, 2009


i really want to put my thoughts down but don't really know where to start. i have so much going on that nothing seems to make any sense. i didn't used to have this problem. it's frustrating. i've never really had this problem and what makes it worse is that my 'h' key broke and is no longer with me so i have to push really hard on the spot where it used to be but sometimes it doesn't work and so i have to push it again and then it types like four 'h's.....ahhhhhhhh! and everything has an 'h' in it....of course. forget it. i'm kinda tired and should try to go to sleep. don't really know where to start anyway. i'll try again tomorrow. hugs, kisses and lots of love.


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