Walk With Me

Experiencing life...wide open

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Location: Plano, Texas, United States

Friday, June 16, 2006


After hearing from some of my friends and re-reading a post from earlier this week, I have a heavy heart. I'm very lucky to be surrounded by such great friends who care so much. I never intended to worry any of you. I'm sorry.

I think a lot. Probably too much. Every once in a while all of those thoughts need to release themselves and I post an entry. Sometimes it's happy, sometimes it's not so happy. Sometimes it is neither happy nor sad. I never really know (unless I'm feeling some intense emotion, then I have an idea). I should probably start journaling on paper, but I don't want to. I would rather leave my paper journal to things Dan is helping me work through. Things that are just way too intense to put up here, believe it or not.

I enjoy writing freely and posting my thoughts. It allows me to throw some crazy questions or ideas out and see what everyone thinks. That's a big part of how I learn, from others and their thoughts. I also want to show people that not all of us are always happy (and I'm not trying to imply anyone, I don't think I have one friend who is always happy). I hope that someone, somewhere reads the thoughts, feelings and issues I am dealing with and can find some comfort in knowing they're not alone. I hope some of the things they read help them to work through their own issues. It may sound dumb, but one can always hope.

I feel that I should add some sort of disclosure to the beginning of my postings to remind everyone how emotional I am...something like: Warning! The following entry is a result of various factors that have been contributing to my state of mind at this very moment. None of the thoughts or ideas stated are directed at one person, nor am I thinking of any specific person while I type.

So, I hope that clears everything up (or at least most of it). One thing I take great pride in is that I'm learning to deal with a situation as it happens, with that person. I hate when people hide behind the internet or email and handle things in a passive-aggressive way. Now, I'm not perfect, but I am trying. I also work very hard to have an open and honest relationship with everyone who is close, important or basically has ever met me. Life is too short to keep people on the outside.

I'm going to leave you with that, while I head to Fayetteville to spend the weekend with my brother...only two weeks till deployment!!! Please pray for my safe arrival, this morning broke my driving confidence. I was involved in a four car accident, but don't worry! I'm ok!!! I will try and remember to post the story sometime soon, but know this: Sarah is my savior!!!

growing through His love...


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